
The role of electric car controller

1, the drive motor rotation.
2, in the transfer of control to change the motor drive current to achieve the adjustment of the motor speed.
3, in the brake lever (brake put) off output current control, achieve the brake control.
4, the battery voltage detection, battery voltage stored near when "discharge voltage" through the controller panel (or dashboard display panel) to display the power is low, remind riders to adjust their itinerary, when it reaches the end voltage, The signal to the comparator through the sampling resistor, the circuit output protection signal, resulting in protection circuit issued a directive at a pre-set program, cut off the current to protect the charger and the battery.
5, overcurrent protection, overcurrent protection circuit operation when the motor is stopped, to avoid over-current to the motor and controller harm. In addition, part of the controller also has anti-coaster protection, cruising speed and other functions.

