
Buy electric bikes should pay attention to the key issues

1, the electric trike bicycles of the fastening bolts and nuts should be tightened, not loose and fall off. Each rotating parts of electric vehicles should be flexible operation, it may not have stuck, stay stiff phenomenon. Such as: Lift the front and rear wheels should be rotating flexible, and should not be a greater swing around and up and down, lift the wheel will do to stop the wheel should swing back and forth briskly, not suddenly stop moving. Turning left and right should be flexible and comfortable handlebar, pedal and the crank shaft should be tightened, not loose each other, and flexible rotation.
2, the electric car transmission: shift vehicle speed range of strain in the right gear, the shift position should be clear, there can not be neutral in the middle.
3, the electric car chain should be suitable elastic, flexible operation. Forward reverse repeated hand crank sprockets, chains flexible operation, not a jump chain and shedding phenomenon.
4, electric cars saddle parts: front and rear with both hands above the saddle, one hand firmly under the pressure of the front end of the saddle, the saddle front-end can not be staying. Then hands horizontal turning of the saddle, the saddle should not be rotated.
5, the selection of the electric car brakes and brake system: hands holding the handlebars, while the front and rear brakes were about push bike, where the wheels should not rotate; release the handle, the brake system should be able to quickly reset.
6, grade or label observe electric vehicle parts. Generally good parts are clearly marked and clearly mark trademark exquisite designs.
7, the switching operation of the various parts of the electric car is sensitive and reliable. Smooth electric vehicle speed, and reliability. Slowly turn the handle speed, the motor should be followed by a smooth start, acceleration without abnormal noise, then release the handle, the handle can be quickly reset, the motor decelerates uniform. Electric vehicle power brakes fast and reliable. Rotational speed control lever, the motor run, pinch the brake after the brake, the motor can instantly power, if power display, you can see the voltage display back to zero.

