
Electric bicycles Category:

It can be divided into all-electric and intelligent assisted two categories. It is equipped with a power source, power and control systems. Battery as a power source also comes with matching charger.
Common are all-electric bike: You can pedal riding, can purely electric drive. tandem electric bicycle without the aid of manpower, use the handle to control the speed, realize 0-20km / h without any level shifting. Equipped with a set of battery charge 36V12Ah travel up to 60 kilometers, is the mainstream products in the market.
Second it is a smart electric assisted bicycles: scooters can be called true, the bicycle has a similar mode of operation, can human riding, you can also power assistance, no electric function. There are special sensors, when accepting the role of external forces, in response to the control system. The so-called power assistance, human riding force is determined by the size of the control current supply size, manpower and electricity achieve 1: 1 combination, when the speed of 24km / h, stop the supply of electric power, riding feel particularly relaxed. Compared with pure electric drive, battery with the same capacity can be doubled mileage. Smart-assisted bikes because by human-based, supplemented by electricity, is the true meaning of scooters, electric bicycles will be the direction of development.


Electric bicycles summed up the body and their functions can be divided into the following sections.

1) main parts: the frame member and the fork member cattle and other components, other components are directly or indirectly mounted on the body portion. It addition to bear the weight of people and goods outside, but also bear the dynamic loads generated bumpy road.
2) guide portions: the handlebar, fork, front axle, wheel and other components. By manipulating the rider of the electric mountain bicycles handlebar unit can arbitrarily change the direction of travel.
3) Drive parts: the pedals, cranks, sprockets, axis, chain, flywheel, the rear axle, rear-wheel and other components, by pedaling the bicycle drive driving portion can move forward.
4) bearing parts: the front and rear parts, hangers member, branch wood parts, saddle member and the front and rear axle parts and other components, mainly bear the weight of the rider and the cargo.
5) Brake parts: South handlebars and brakes (including front and rear brake) components. The rider can freely manipulate the brake handle, the traveling electric bike to slow down or stop.
6) Other accessories parts: the reflector member, chain guard, fender parts, lock parts and other components.


Buy electric bikes should pay attention to the key issues

1, the electric trike bicycles of the fastening bolts and nuts should be tightened, not loose and fall off. Each rotating parts of electric vehicles should be flexible operation, it may not have stuck, stay stiff phenomenon. Such as: Lift the front and rear wheels should be rotating flexible, and should not be a greater swing around and up and down, lift the wheel will do to stop the wheel should swing back and forth briskly, not suddenly stop moving. Turning left and right should be flexible and comfortable handlebar, pedal and the crank shaft should be tightened, not loose each other, and flexible rotation.
2, the electric car transmission: shift vehicle speed range of strain in the right gear, the shift position should be clear, there can not be neutral in the middle.
3, the electric car chain should be suitable elastic, flexible operation. Forward reverse repeated hand crank sprockets, chains flexible operation, not a jump chain and shedding phenomenon.
4, electric cars saddle parts: front and rear with both hands above the saddle, one hand firmly under the pressure of the front end of the saddle, the saddle front-end can not be staying. Then hands horizontal turning of the saddle, the saddle should not be rotated.
5, the selection of the electric car brakes and brake system: hands holding the handlebars, while the front and rear brakes were about push bike, where the wheels should not rotate; release the handle, the brake system should be able to quickly reset.
6, grade or label observe electric vehicle parts. Generally good parts are clearly marked and clearly mark trademark exquisite designs.
7, the switching operation of the various parts of the electric car is sensitive and reliable. Smooth electric vehicle speed, and reliability. Slowly turn the handle speed, the motor should be followed by a smooth start, acceleration without abnormal noise, then release the handle, the handle can be quickly reset, the motor decelerates uniform. Electric vehicle power brakes fast and reliable. Rotational speed control lever, the motor run, pinch the brake after the brake, the motor can instantly power, if power display, you can see the voltage display back to zero.


The role of electric car controller

1, the drive motor rotation.
2, in the transfer of control to change the motor drive current to achieve the adjustment of the motor speed.
3, in the brake lever (brake put) off output current control, achieve the brake control.
4, the battery voltage detection, battery voltage stored near when "discharge voltage" through the controller panel (or dashboard display panel) to display the power is low, remind riders to adjust their itinerary, when it reaches the end voltage, The signal to the comparator through the sampling resistor, the circuit output protection signal, resulting in protection circuit issued a directive at a pre-set program, cut off the current to protect the charger and the battery.
5, overcurrent protection, overcurrent protection circuit operation when the motor is stopped, to avoid over-current to the motor and controller harm. In addition, part of the controller also has anti-coaster protection, cruising speed and other functions.


Judge the merits of electric vehicle controller

1, carefully observe the work
 A controller work reflects a strength of the company, under the same conditions, workshop controller certainly not as big company's products; manual welding products and certainly not wave down products; the appearance of fine control is better than not pay attention to the appearance of the product; conductors too thick wire controller is better than jerry controller; radiator radiator light weight controller is better than the controller, etc., has been pursued in terms of materials and technology companies is relatively high credibility, contrast can see that .
2, compared to the temperature rise
The same conditions were sent with the new controller and the controller of the original use of the thermal test under blocking forwards, two controllers are removed the radiator, with a car, feet propped up, first turn to reach the maximum speed of rotation, immediately brakes, brake not dead, so the controller enters the stall protection, for 5 seconds at very low speed, release the brakes quickly reach top speed, and then brakes, repeating the same operation, such as 30, to detect the maximum temperature radiator point.
Take two comparison of the data controller, the temperature as low as possible. Test conditions should ensure that the same limit, the same battery capacity, the same car, the same car from a cold start test, maintain the same braking force and time. End of the trial should check the tightness of the screws fixing the MOS, the more that the use of loose insulating plastic particles temperature worse, in the long run, this will result in MOS advance due to heat damage. Refill the radiator, repeat the test, compared to the heat sink temperature, which can examine the thermal design of the controller.
3, back pressure control was observed
Select a vehicle, power can be bigger, unplug the battery, use of tandem electric bicycle powered charger, connect the E-ABS is enabled terminals to ensure that the brakes switch contact. Slowly turn the switch to, fast charger can not output large current will cause voltage, so that the motor reaches maximum speed, fast brake, repeatedly, should not be damaged MOS phenomenon. When braking, the charger output voltage will rapidly rise, the test controller moment limited pressure capability, this test if the battery test basically no effect.
4, the current control
Take full battery capacity the better, let the motor reaches maximum speed, optional two motor output circuits, repeated more than 30 times, should not be damaged MOS; let the motor reaches maximum speed, battery positive and Optionally a motor line short, repeated 30 times, the test fast controller capacity. Many controller in this part fool, if damaged, can compare two controllers bear the number of successful short-circuit, the less worse. This part of the experiment can be verified controller software, hardware reliability design.
5, the test controller efficiency
Overspeed shutdown function, if any, in a car with no load test different controllers to achieve maximum speed, the higher the speed, the higher the efficiency, the mileage is relatively high. In the above test are no special equipment to conduct, operability, extensive work contrast controller, temperature, voltage and current control and efficiency differences, basically reflect the merits of the controller. Consumers may wish to purchase an electric car when selecting the test method under the circumstances, to buy more at ease in electric vehicles.


Effect of temperature on the performance of electric vehicle batteries

Rechargeable battery, discharge occurs in the battery electrochemical reaction, the higher the temperature, the battery characteristics of the activity of each active increase, electrolyte viscosity reduction, overcast reduced, so that the electrochemical easy, electric mountain bicycles not vice versa easy to discharge when the lower temperature, the lower release capacity at extremely low temperatures, the release will be a significant decline in capacity, high temperature, and vice versa;
Charging the lower the temperature, the worse the charge acceptance, high charge voltage requirements, in order to be fully charged. Conversely the higher the temperature, the better the ability to accept charge, could easily lead to over-charge, thus requiring lower charge voltage, they are not caused by overcharging. This temperature change, a direct impact on the battery charge and discharge performance.