
Battery electric bicycle

I started cargo electric bikes to help connect the bicycle with these personal and societal goals. You see, electric assist bicycles really did change my life.
Here at cargo electric bikes, we’re the web’s experts on electrifying cargo bikes. If you don’t know what that is, check out my video blog Go by Bike! to find out (and also for tips, thoughts, and randomness related to bikes). Our
Retail Store connects people with bikes for carrying stuff or people, stylish low-maintenance Electric cargo bikes, commuters, comfort bikes and kids bikes. Through our Online Store, we help connect people with their ideal electric-assist kit.
Some of our most popular brands are Jamis, Surly (LHT!), Xtracycle, Yuba, Marin, and MORE. Click on Retail Store to see what we have.And don’t forget to Sign Up at the top of the page or right here to connect with me, get special cargo electric bicycles community deals, and find out about what’s going on. Thanks for visiting!

