
Introduction of electric freight cars

Electric freight car is a need for industrial applications truck driver to be charging the battery for its power source. Generally can be controlled through a computer and its route of behavior , or to set up its use of electromagnetic rail route of electromagnetic rail affixed to the floor, AGV then follow the message brought by electromagnetic rail moves and actions. cargo trikes models for the integrated layout container body , flat cargo box for the abolition of the baffle, quick and easy loading and unloading of goods , and container of ground clearance according to ergonomics program , workers do not have to bend over jobs maximize the low labor intensity of workers . Second, the minimum turning radius of 2.9m models , such as the Treasury in the narrow channel and other places can maneuver in turn, reversing . Although it looks small in size , but the container was enough to have a 2.4m long , and accepted high-strength steel plate embossed , durable, guarantee the user's needs up the goods . At run time , the car with the car deal slower, limited in plant operation by operation garden supplies , transportation tranquility are guaranteed. In addition, the car is equipped with rear traction device , handling and traction with two outcomes may expand 0.5 tons to 2 tons full range of products.

